I might possibly have been watching an awful lot of Crash Course this week, so if I seem stranger than normal you can blame that on John Green.
Anyway, they found a planet out spinning in the Goldilocks zone. Cause for celebration, right? I mean, it's far away. Like properly, properly far away. 1400 light years. That means when we look at it (depending on how far away Kepler is, and I'm way too lazy to look) whatever we see on the surface is 1400 years behind us. Sort of.
Science is complicated.
Also, to the best of our knowledge there's no atmosphere, so unless we come up with something to do about that, we might want to hold off on our travel plans. And not that I don't love you all dearly, I get tired of people after a day. I'm not sure how I'd handle being stuck on a ship floating through space for the entire rest of my life. It's entirely possible it would end in a pretty seriously amount of bloodshed. I'm quiet, never underestimate the number of you I could get through before anybody noticed.