They make a fun noise as they rush past.
I know, it's a ridiculously over-used joke by writers. But it's another Monday, and pretty much everything I said I was going to do last week didn't happen. And the continued medical shenanigans going on in my life are a tailor made excuse for that, sure. That doesn't mean I should be using that.
So, last week I made some sort of vague promise about how I was going to blog about something involving writing this week. Which is a little difficult, as I haven't really managed to do much of that lately.
Hello Topic, so lovely of you to join us. Better late than never.
As you might know, I tried to write a ridiculous amount for the first part of Camp Nano this year, and while I didn't make the goal I set, I did manage to get through the first draft for two separate books and start the third.
It's not like this is the first time I've had to stop a project in the middle and go back later. And I'm going back much quicker than I generally manage. Sometimes it's years before I pick a project back up again. I feel like the disconnect is always huge once I stop, whether it's for three weeks or a year.
And much as I'm trying not to think about it right now, a lot's happened in my personal life since I stopped writing that book.
If this was LiveJournal I'd be hitting that little 'I'm lost' button. So I'm kicking it back to you.
What do you do when you've left a project for a while and it's time to go back?