When the Crappy Science Didn't Bother Me.
I honestly cannot accurately express how much I love these movies. All of them. Even the steaming pile of wtf that was #2. I had the bed sheets, I bought the junky candy and listened to the soundtrack over and over. I read the novel so many times it fell apart. I went to see the first movie at least 5 times. Given the fact my local theater was like $2.50 a ticket it might have been significantly more than that.
Even then I understood you couldn't actually make a dinosaur out of reconstituted mosquito guts, tree frogs, and science! I seriously didn't care. I still don't.
Though it would be nice if in the next movie someone at InJen had two brain cells to rub together.
#2--The Core (2003)
There are so many ridiculous bits in this movie I can't name them all. I'd probably have to rewatch it to try. Which might happen with the Summer Movie List. Ridiculous as this movie is, it's fun. Yes yes, we'll just dive into the center of the planet and restart the spin on the earth's core. No worries. It'll be fine.
#3--The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Super special snowflake storm--check. Stoic injured character who doesn't tell anyone they're hurt--check. Pretty post-apocalyptic world we pretend people could survive--check. Bonus points? Timberwolves on the Russian tanker.
But after Jake Gyllenhall survived making a phone call underwater I stopped expecting sense from this movie. It's like the disaster version of Midsummer Nights Dream. Check your brain at the door, here there be faeries.
#4--Star Trek (2009)
So I don't so much have any issue with the 'science science' part of this movie. And I do love it, quite a lot. I have an issue with the ridiculous amount of trauma Kirk keeps walking away from. Like stranded on Hoth, sure. Beat up by Spock--you're going to pee blood for like a week, but go you. Jumps at least twenty feet and lands on his chest--you're cute Jim, but you're not that cute.
I will give them this. At least they're consistent in the things that miraculously don't kill our intrepid hero.
#5--Armageddon (1998)
I have one thing to say. Rain in space.
That being said, I cried like a small broken thing when Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler said goodbye. There's so much wrong with this movie, but it sort of tells you how much you can get away with if you give us a good character to pin our hopes on.
So. That's us for this week. Today at 5pm eastern there'll be a new clue in the never-ending book contest, so keep an eye out for that. And come back next week where we'll talk about new and exciting things.