I suppose now that I've said that, I'm under some kind of pressure to come up with something interesting today, aren't I? Somewhere, in the long list of prompts I drudged through there was one about your worst dream (I have no clue where it was now, or I'd link it).

It talked, in that sort of horror movie rasp-gurgle-groan that usually portrays the undead, and it's leaves spun around like helicopter blades. It was moldy and misshapen and honestly one of the most terrifying things I was capable of imaging at twelve.
I was no stranger to bad dreams. Some-day when I'm feeling articulate and ambitious I'll tell you about the house I grew up in.
That might have been more about me than you needed to know. Anyway.
Here's the thing with the strawberry. It wasn't just that it was scary and horrible. It's been more years than I'm going to admit to since I was twelve, and I still remember vividly the way it followed me all over town, the way nobody but me ever saw it, the way it showed a sort of...sick joy that no one believed me. Any therapist worth their salt would have a field day with that.
But I've never been one of those people who put store in dreams. Maybe they outline your biggest fears, the things your subconscious doesn't know how to deal with. I've been afraid of aliens literally as long as I can remember, but I wouldn't say I'm unduly afraid of the unknown. Supposedly strawberries in dreams signify female desire and sexuality. I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole.
I've never once had a logical or honestly pleasant dream, that I remember. But the things in my dreams were never quite as scary as the things I imagined when I was awake, trying to deal with being afraid of the dark and too old to be afraid of the dark.
So what do you do about a giant flying strawberry from space? Learn not to eat half a gallon of raspberry sherbet before bed. It's just a dream.
For funsies I drew you an evil strawberry. You're welcome, you may bask in my awesome finger-painting skills.
Photo from here under this license. I made no changes.