So, I'm going to sound like I'm whinging here because it's stupidly rainy today (Thank you Andrea) and I'm in that sort of mood where I've had two cups of coffee this morning and no food.
I'm tired of being in Limbo. It's not just the personal strangeness of what's going on with the hubs (see previous long-winded ridiculous blog post about health issues) or the fact that it's the last week of school before summer (HALP!) and what that's going to do to my ability to complete anything.
I said some things earlier, about big newsish things that are happening with The Writing. These things take time, and I understand that. And given the way the rest of my life runs I've sort of decided patience is my superpower. So I'm actually okay with all that.
What I'm less okay with is this stupid, itchy nowhere feeling that's coming along with it. Like people 'in the know' asking me repeatedly if I've decided on a pen name yet (despite the name on this blog, I haven't). Like P.I.T.K (see above, aren't I clever?) asking where they'll be able to buy the book, and if I'm going to have a launch party, and when will the next book happen. Seriously. The next book. Because clearly someone wanting to publish a book means it's done-and-ready-for-consideration-as-the-next-great-american-masterpiece.
Also, it's time for declaring June goals. Let me know when you're done laughing. I can wait.
I'll save the pithy 'I suck at goal making but this month will be different' lines for next month. I'm doing Camp Nano in June because July will involve visiting Kansas and about twelve birthdays so just no. And I'd very much like to finish the third book in the contemporary paranormal series I started in April.
I'll save all the issues with that for next week. Have to leave myself something to talk about.