So, way back in the annals of history (shut up, January was a long time ago, I have the attention span of a mayfly this time of year) I made a commitment to blog more. You can look at the list of posts under this one to tell how that's gone.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston Churchill
I've got nothing more relevant to say than Mr Churchill up there. So I'm moving on.
Apparently the general consensus on this is that you should blog three times a week, and not blog about writing because no one wants to hear(see?) you witter on about writing three times a week. I'm probably going to fail about that, because irrespective of what everybody else thinks the conversation is about, it's always about writing to me. I promise to do my best to make it interesting.
Are you ready for the schedule?
As of this week, Monday's at Words and Wonderings will be Miscellaneous Monday. There'll be a post, hopefully it'll be fun to read, I'll figure out what it's about when I sit down and start writing it. Wednesday's will the Well-Written Wednesday. That's the day for book reviews, or my take on what's happening in the writing universe, or TV/Movie (of the content variety, not the 'he's so pretty' variety) pop-culture. And last but not least Friday will be Sci-Fi Fridays and I'll trot out the latest cool thing I've found (usually getting lost while researching) and probably talk a little about it's potential in fiction.
If I miss these you're totally allowed to brow-beat me about it.
See you Monday!
(Yes, I realize I'm an eternal optimist. Yes, I realize how annoying it is.)
PS--the title is borrowed from Robert Frost-- "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."