And even with all that, I still managed the vast majority of my January goals. I finished the light-edit I was trying to do, and I finished the Minecraft scarf, and I blogged nearly once a week (the last week didn't happen because I spent three days trying to figure out what to say and I still don't really have anything interesting to blog about), and I finished The Cuckoo's Calling.
There'll be a blog post about that when I can come up with something quasi-interesting to say about it.
So, what's on the plate for February?
- Editing Watcher (the first part of the Paranormal series I started last May)
- Writing the first two books in the short-mysteries series I keep threatening to do.
- Something knitted that constitutes a birthday present for my Mother in Law.
- Reading The Fault in Our Stars (with some other lovely people, so we can share the inevitable pain).
Added to the late January/early February weirdness, the Superbowl was horrible and Phillip Seymour Hoffman died. I can't decide if he always reminded me of the friend that gave me my first job, and then killed himself a year later, but he certainly does now.