*quiet panting*
It's been a busy couple of months. But now I'm through all that, and I'm supposed to be working on actually creating things, not just selling them, and I'm utterly fucking failing (the title was in reference to the incoming f-bombs, by way of warning). Part of it is that "Project of Doom" is book two and I hate middles. Like epicly, unreasonably fucking hate them. Part of that is the ravening plot bunnies hanging around in the corners going 'but we'd be so much more fun. Come on Jules, you know you wanna. Just come write us for a while. Then we'll behave, we promise.'
The plot bunnies lie. No really, repeat after me. The plot bunnies are inconstant literary sluts who wish to lure you onto the primrose path and then fuck off the instant someone catches you on the primrose path. Do not follow the plot bunnies.
So what happens pretty frequently when I get like this is I wind up trolling the internets for some kind of inspiration. For some words of wisdom that get me back on task. This time I found this post by Chuck Wendig. There is no equal for Mr Wendig. He's all psyonic Pterodactyls and shit-volcanoes and pumpkin-fucking-goats.
I might have a bit of a crush. Shut it you. Anyway, I will leave you with this bit of brilliance, it's all his.