So. It's October, and that means my obligatory Year of Creative Pursuits check-in. Last month was the general run; business-y things, and finishing a project, and editing Case of the Armadillo. How did I fare? Middling, if I'm being honest. I started a couple of knitting projects, I did the edits I needed to do for CotA, and I did a ridiculous level of editorial work for Wee Tales (which is available for purchase now, hint hint). I blogged. And blogged and blogged and blogged. I took part in Tamela's leg of the travelling writing prompt challenge. You can see our stories here.
And October goals are going to be a lot of the same. I just finished editing the first book in the Guardian's Circle series (Contemporary Paranormal? Is that thing?), Lost and Found and it goes to the intrepid editor this week, so I'm sure there will be things to do with that. I embarked on this probably ill advised reading challenge, and I have until the end of October to finish the book for it. I started this really nifty shawl for my mother for Christmas I'll need to work pretty hard on.
So that's me, not counting the run up for Nano (come back Wednesday to hear more about that) and general fall good-times and all of that.