So, since I'm taking a break from long-form, full-fledged writing, I might as well hack out a couple of blog posts, right?
I've been thinking a lot about what to do with this space in the last couple of weeks. The fact is, much as I enjoy doing Well-Written Wednesday and Sci-Fi Friday, I'm officially out of posts. Well, I'm out of posts for now anyway. I mean I could do a few dozen more posts about dinosaurs and JK Rowling, but I'm not sure anyone wants to read them.
So what do I do here instead? I was going to take an audience poll, but I've had mixed luck with those in the past. I figure it probably works better if I just come up with something. I'm a creative person, it'll be fine.
Famous last words, right?
ANYWAY, all of that was so I could tell you this: Tune in on Friday for the first post in a new series, Fantastic Friday where I will extol you with my knowledge on some random fantasy or mythical creature that may or may not show up in the Guardian Circle series. Then come back on Monday for miscellaneous current events (I promise they won't all be politics) and on Wednesday for Wacky Wednesday Writing Prompts! Because you all want to do something interactive right? There's not enough ridiculousness in the world, and I aim to fix that.
Anyway, that's the plan. We're all ready to start something new, right?
See you Friday!