Random Fact #5385
The Armadillo is a primary carrier of Leprosy. Once, before European entrance into the new world, both the Armadillo's and the people were free of leprosy.
This means...
Somewhere in the annals of history a Spaniard touched an Armadillo and it all went down-hill from there.
Random Fact #5386
One of the most common ways for people to contract Leprosy? Eating Armadillo. If I could draw there would totally be a 'battle armored-pig' comic below this one. Cause it still gets you after it's dead.
Random Fact #5327
When startled, the nine-banded armadillo jumps three to four feet straight up. Get that image out of your head.
Random Fact #5390
The Nine-Banded Armadillo is the only mammal to have fully polyembryonic reproduction. This means every single time the girl Armadillo get's pregenant--and that's a set of facts for another time--she has four genetically identical offspring, all formed from the same egg but growing their own placenta and embryonic sack (do you call it an embryonic sack in mammals, or is that just chickens?). She will do this once a year for her entire adult life span.
Is it any wonder they're slowly crawling their way north?
And lastly...Behold, the Pink Fairy Armadillo.
What the heck.