In deference to that, I'm going to try and skip over the "grumble grumble research grumble grumble integrity grumble grumble actually f-ing effort grumble" part of this. I think that more or less covered it.
This article on the Popular Mechanics website--which by the way is a buggy, unhappy whale of a thing. Jesus-tap-dancing-queen, you're a tech aficionado site--does a really horrible job of lining up some of the cool stuff we've seen in movies that is becoming a reality. And never mind the fact is reads like it was written by a twelve year old who only watches Netflix and it mis-attributes a lot, it got me thinking.
What cool bits of future tech would it really honestly be awesome to actually have? So, down there I'm going to tell you about my favorite, my big ticket wish-list item. And then I'd like you to leave me yours in the comments.
So, what's the top of Jules' Wish-list of Awesome?
Jarvis. Unquestioningly. Aside from the awesome points that go to Paul Bettany's voice, the entire concept of a snarky virtual butler appeals to me. The kind of virtual butler who does his best not to actually listen to me (even better if sometimes he doesn't) and calculates my idiot moments before I get to them.
Miss, there is an eighty-two percent chance those hash-browns will wind up on the floor. A paper plate does not have the structural integrity to be used to flip the pan.
Never tell me the Odds Jarvis, it'll be fine.
(Squeltchy, ick sound of a pan of hash-browns hitting the floor)
I did tell you.
Well, next time grow a pair of arms and actually help.
Yeah. There's my little slice of heaven. What's yours?